About Us

Columbus Comhaltas is central Ohio’s branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (KOHL-tuss KYOOL-tor-ee AIR-un) the Ireland-based arts organization leading the way in the preservation and celebration of Irish traditional music and culture. Our name translates as the “Society of Irish Musicians.” Founded in 1951, Comhaltas is a non-profit cultural movement with hundreds of local branches around the world, including our branch in Columbus, Ohio, founded in 2014.

Our officers:

Debra Keller-Perry, Chairperson
Michael Conners, Vice-Chairperson
Joseph Ridgeway, Secretary/Registrar
Ann Elliott, Treasurer 
Joe Fago, Public Relations Officer 
Michaela Fallon, Irish Language Officer
Brent Cuyler, Auditor
Sean Perry, Co-Youth Officer 
Maggie Ridgeway, Co-Youth Officer

More about us here: