Midwest Fleadh 2015 – Cincinnati

Put it on your calendars! The Midwest Fleadh 2015 will be the weekend of May 15 and 16, held this year in Cincinnati, Ohio.

As the closest branch to our host Cincinnati, we’d like to offer as much support as possible towards the success of this great weekend and will encourage as many as possible from Columbus to attend their first Midwest Fleadh!

All-branch meeting 12/14

Please join us for our year-end all-branch meeting with session to follow!
Sunday, December 14, 2014, 3:00 p.m.
30 Ashbourne Road
Columbus, OH 43209
We have much to discuss including the new branch website, and this will mark the birth of Columbus Comhaltas–Grupa Ceoil, an outstanding performance opportunity for branch members (for more information, please attend the meeting!). Refreshments and snacks provided…hope to see all of you there!